Local event to be held at the BMRI building, Tygerberg Campus, University of Stellenbosch.

Primary contacts: Abhinav Sharma (abhinavsharma@sun.ac.za).


BMRI meeting room 1072, close to the stairs on the ground floor.


Time Mon, 27 Mar 2023 Tue, 28 Mar 2023 Wed, 29 Mar 2023
10:00 Welcome and setup Daily start Daily Start
10:30 Hack! Hack! Hack!
13:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00 Hack! Hack! Hack!
15:30 Daily sync Daily sync Wrap-up

Special interest groups

The goal of the hackathon is to speed up the learning and familiarization curve when it comes to reproducible research using Nextflow, nf-core community as well as the available computing infrastructure for computing.

We are planning to work in different special interest groups (SIG) so that each group can focus on aspects, important for them.

Here are some of the SIGs

  1. Reproducible research : A group to understand and try to reproduce methodology of research papers using principles of reproducible research

  2. Nextflow and nf-core best practices : Discuss or learn about anything related to Nextflow and nf-core.

  3. Running and optimizing Nextflow pipelines on Khaos/Gaia servers and CHPC cluster: Discuss best practices for the CHPC cluster and optimize commonly used pipelines.

  4. Your idea! - Yes, please feel free to suggest any interest groups which you feel we have missed.

Campus map

BMRI building (formerly Fisan building)
